Thursday, November 23, 2006


This year's Thanksgiving Dinner preparation...

...has led me back to Caring. About Food. [The link will take you to the second of two posts I've published over there in the last 24 hours.] I'm surprised, but pleased. Mom loves days when I spend a lot of time in the kitchen preparing meals and inciting food aroma. I've been inviting her into preparation much more than I used to, since reading What Are Old People For?. Sometimes she'll help, sometimes not, and, of course, it's debatable how much help she really is. I'm careful, as well, about what chores I give her and especially careful when she decides she wants to chop food, although I continue to allow her to do this. Today, though, she wasn't interested in helping, just smelling and commenting.
    Just wanted to mention the two latest posts over there, in case you're interested.

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