Wednesday, November 29, 2006


So, here's what I decided.

    For this journal and the The Mom & Me One Archive, I set up separate Labels Index pages, linked just below the Archive section. It seems that over at the Archive, the template was becoming so big with the index that publishing it in order to update the index every time I added a new label was becoming close to impossible. The server just wasn't interested, most of the time. I expect the label index on this site will probably experience the same problem, once I start labeling previous posts. The movie site label index doesn't seem to be large enough to present a problem. I rather expect other of the journals won't be a problem, either, but we'll see. Anyway, just wanted to mention that.
    I continue to be distracting myself with reading and labeling the posts over at the archive. No miracles yet, at least not as far as I can tell. I'm not one of those who hunts for oblique signs, though. If the gods don't want to lay it out in front of me, plain as day, well, fuck 'em, I say. When it comes to spirituality, it's got to be easy and either make sense or be interesting enough to attract my desire to be delighted, or it's not worth my time.

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