Monday, November 20, 2006


It'll be pot roast for Thanksgiving, this year...

...not ham, even though that is, of course, Mom's first choice. I mentioned to her, though, today, as we were making a shopping list for Thanksgiving dinner, that we'd had ham so many times this year and, too, had so much left-over ham in the freezer from all hams past, that I wasn't looking forward to fixing yet another ham.
    "That's all right," she said. "I imagine MPS's will have ham for Christmas."
    Maybe. They're pretty good at varying holiday dinners, though, which is something to which I look forward.
    Yes, the call has been made, I've uninvited us, MPS is in good humor over it, we laughed and joked throughout the phone call, particularly about Christmas. It seems she remembered (so did I) about my much earlier post, when Mom was traversing an activity hill and I was feeling optimistic about the holidays, that I considered inviting everyone here for Christmas and taking everyone out. She ribbed me mercilessly about this and we laughed until we cried.
    I am going to try to see to it that we make it down there for Christmas, regardless of how hard it is. I'm hoping the my personal ambiance will cooperate. Perhaps that earlier mentioned miracle in-spira-tion will have flown over and shat upon me by that time. I'm expecting it to not only bring me to some sort of internal anger resolution but to work a little magic with some of the fringe "benefits" of this anger.
    I continue to label posts over at the archives. Reading those old posts yet again, by the light of this anger, is a searing experience. I've come quite a long way since those posts were written. Most of the distance, it seems, was covered in the last nine months and that distance throws those posts into a surprising perspective. It is as though I was wise, then, and am now innocent. I guess rage does that...wipes the slate, bangs the erasers, prepares the board for a new lesson. That's good. I'm always up for learning something new.

Originally posted by Karma: Mon Nov 20, 04:42:00 PM 2006

Don't feel bad about not going to the Thanksgiving dinner...although if you really want to go for Christmas, that'll probably be a good balance. Will members of your family be able to help take care of your Mom over Christmas to make it easier on you?

Thanksgiving just the two of you can still be a VERY special time.

Originally posted by Deb Peterson: Mon Nov 20, 07:08:00 PM 2006

Gail--I'll probably be doing the same thing--just a quiet day. I was hoping to get together with family but I've got to be realistic about my own energy. Karma's got the right idea.

Originally posted by Mona Johnson: Tue Nov 21, 07:28:00 AM 2006

I agree, Gail, we're not doing anything more than a low key dinner by ourselves - sometimes you need a break.
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