Friday, September 15, 2006


Update on Carnival Participation:

    Although I'm cutting back a bit on carnival participation, to a purpose, I wanted to mention a couple that picked me up recently.
    After I decided to cut back, out of curiosity I clicked into Grand Rounds last Sunday just to see if this next week involved a theme. It did; an interesting one, medical education, both formal and informal. I'd just written the post about trivial detail a day previous and decided to submit it. It was picked up and placed in yet another interesting, post packed, readable format, for which Grand Rounds is famous. The immediately previous link will take you directly to this latest edition of the carnival. I honestly haven't gotten around, yet, to perusing the posts, although I will; the theme is a special concern of mine, as you can well imagine, if you've read me, here, for even a little while.
    Another carnival of which I am especially pleased to be a part is an unusual one, posted September 9th on a delightfully unusual journal. The carnival is Carnival of Healing, originated by Spiral Visions. The edition in which I participated is themed Life, Death & Rebirth. Aside from this edition having some provocative "other maps" type posts, it is hosted by Other Lights - Journey of the Liminal Being, to which I have become recently attracted and like to read and consider for it's soul adjustment properties. It's written by Scott Smith, with whom I've corresponded. Spiral Visions, the overseer of this carnival, as well, is an interesting and unusual site, as well, with lots of alternative healing information. I recommend all, for those of you who like to wander off the beaten path.

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