Saturday, August 19, 2006


Just quickly mentioning, regarding my email service...

...finally my domain renewal is straightened out and on track. It's possible, though, that it will not be completed until Monday, simply because my bank, through which the debit card that was charged is issued, generally holds charges in pending status through the weekend. The charge has finally appeared on my account status, though. Thank the gods. At any rate, I notice, after sending myself a couple of emails, that email service remains spotty. I received one email notification of a comment on a post this morning, but nothing else since, including my own attempts at contacting myself. Hopefully, that means no one has sent me anything.
    Please hang in there. I'm still assuming that emails are backing up and being sent through in bunches. I hope that's what's happening. At any rate, if you don't hear some sort of response from me by Tuesday upcoming to an email or comment you've sent, please contact me again.
    I'm also assuming that, since email I send appears to be soundly sent, those of you I've contacted within the last few days have received my correspondence. I hope so, anyway. Of the ones I can remember sending Thursday, yesterday and today are messages to the following, in order of most recent sending backwards:
Amanda M
    If you haven't heard from me, if you wish, you can let me know through Otherwise, just sit tight, those sent messages may be sitting in back up, as well, on my domain server, waiting for permission to leave.
    So, so weird.
    Almost time to arouse The Mom.

originally posted by Deb Peterson: Sat Aug 19, 06:40:00 PM 2006

testing, testing... Gail, the last email I got from you was yesterday. I've been out of the loop, myself, for a few days. So, (she said selfishly), if your comments had to go down for awhile, then this was the best week for me! Hope this goes through--I'm going to be reviewing the entries I've missed tomorrow.
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