Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Yesterday was a Spectacle Movie type of day.

    Know what I mean? Started very early. Unexpected, plentiful rain during the latter half of The Agreed Upon Day (meaning, beginning around noon). Mom slept through the development of the sky, then awoke as the first drops began to fall. No walkering, of course...too cold and wet. But, no nap, either. We considered going through boxes (we consider this almost every day) but decided another day would a better box day. I managed to get Mom interested in a game of Sorry but once she'd won the first game she was finished.
    "This is a day for a spectacle movie, Mom," I suggested.
    "Oooh! Yes! And popcorn!"
    "And cocoa? Chocolate mint?" I asked.
    "Oh, maybe later. Coffee will be fine."
    I burned the popcorn. It's supposed to be impossible to do this with those auto-bags if you follow the instructions. Most likely, though, this popcorn is old. I was tempted, about three months ago, to buy a case of popcorn. Now I know why I stopped doing that several years ago. On the one hand, there is little as salivarily tempting as popping corn. On the other, the smell of burnt popcorn makes you feel as though you'll never eat popcorn again. Even Mom agreed with this. So, no popcorn.
    After considering The Ten Commandments, Gone With the Wind and All That Jazz, we decided on Amadeus. Perfect choice. Sometimes Mom remembers that she's seen it; yesterday afternoon, Amadeus was a new movie and she watched it intently. Caught every nuance; almost laughed out loud at some lines. At the end she said, "That wasn't really about Mozart, it was about that other fellow."
    This little bit of alertness tempted me to try to get Mom involved in some out loud reading, then I suggested an informal exercise session. Not interested. She just wanted to sit and zone out on her military and ranger shows. I guess alertness works for only so long.
    Rain is supposed to develop again today; for the next several days, in fact, with an interval on Saturday.
    I'm feeling good. The news, by the way, is that the Nintendo DS Video Gaming System will be arriving sometime tomorrow, by Fed Ex. Good. Maybe I'll get a chance to visit with my Fed Ex lady, who, with her husband, takes care of her in-laws at home.
    Blogger seems to be having some trouble publishing just about anything, lately. I started trying to publish this post yesterday evening, and am still trying to publish it, today. Once again...

originally posted by Deb Peterson: Wed Jun 28, 05:06:00 PM 2006

Gail--You know, my mother is often more interested in "spectacle movies", too. I hadn't thought about it until I read your post. I wonder if it's because the acting and the costumes are a bit more stage-y. I know my mother does miss a lot of the nuances when we watch TV. I also wonder if the flatness of it makes it harder for her to process visually. She often doesn't register things that are not in her direct line of vision, too, and I've read where this often occurs with Alzheimer's.

But I love the popcorn angle. Now I have a craving for it! I know my mother would agree to watch almost anything if I made an event out of it. In that sense she's like a little kid.
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