Friday, June 23, 2006


This is going to be free-association, stream of consciousness...

...regarding yesterday. Maybe I'll "list" it:    Last night, as Mom (and I) wound down, I had my usual autonomic visions of more "getting out", maybe downtown around the square, "doing lunch" or maybe an early dinner out, here and there, maybe chairing her up and going the Wildlife park just north of here...we'll see. I'm certainly and unexpectedly energized from yesterday. Maybe Mom is, too. Positive attitude.

originally posted by Deb Peterson: Sat Jun 24, 11:05:00 AM 2006

Gail--This was so nice to read. It's tough to strike that right balance but when you do, the rewards are great. I do know what you mean about gauging the timing and extent of a visit, along with the number of people--it's a real judgment call. I'm glad your Mom had a good time but most of all I'm glad that YOU had a good time. (And the kitties, of course.) You deserve to have a little gift like this.

And why do I usually get hungry after reading one of your entries???
originally posted by Paula Martinac: Sun Jun 25, 05:55:00 AM 2006

Gail - I am so glad the party went well, and that it gave you a bit of "refresh"-ment!
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