Thursday, June 15, 2006


Health Review

[Faxed to Mom's doctor 6/15/06 AM]

Blood Pressure:
Her BP seems to be coming down this month from previous months, which, so far, seems to be a fine development. Otherwise, no significant changes.

Blood Sugar:
As of 5/10/06 she’s on two 10 mg glipizide ER per day; one before breakfast, the other usually before bed. Seems to be under good control. I decided to do this because her hemoglobin was doing so well that I figured, from what I read, her HA1c would probably be performing more normally and her system could handle more medication control.

Urinary Issues:
No change. Macrodantin continues to keep her UTI free.

No change from last month.

Energy Level:
She is sleeping a bit more than usual: On average about 15 hours per day. She is, however, somewhat more active than usual when she’s up.

Skin Condition and Circulation:
No more kitten scratches. Only slight change (not in size, but Mom’s been picking at it, lately) in the tiny patch on her right upper forearm. I don’t think it rates consideration until her next regular appointment.

Appetite and Diet:
No changes since last month.

Remains unchanged.

Will and Spirit:
Remain strong and high, respectively.

Medication and Supplements:
Received adult buffered aspirin and ibuprofen a few more times than usual for minor aches and pains and one episode of twisting her knee. Except for the addition of the second glipizide per day as noted above, these remain the same as before.

Furosemide administered 5 times this period due to torso and feet swelling and elevated BP that wouldn’t relent on its own. See BP Report.

Remains unchanged from last period.

Bowel Movements:
Continues to eliminate every 24-72 hrs; usually every 48 hrs. Fecal consistency, volume and ease of elimination remain good to excellent overall. Rare use of Phillip’s Milk of Magnesia as a laxative.

  1. I’m pleased to report that her anemia, over the last two months, has come under excellent control, which I’m sure you’ve noticed from the monthly blood draw results. I’m sure this is due to her receiving three Niferex-150 capsules a day (two Rx’ed, one OTC). Thank you for suggesting this! I’m truly delighted about this! I also note that her kidneys are holding their own, for which I am relieved.
  2. When we last saw you, you suggested her next appointment should be in “August or September”. I held off making an appointment at that time because I wanted to see how her body adjusted to the extra iron. Since she is doing so well, I’m thinking, unless something unusual should happen, early September looks good for a regular appointment. Her glipizide Rx runs out then, and we will need to visit Phoenix to renew her military ID card. As well, from what I’ve read, I’m sure that since her anemia is now under much better control, so will be her HA1c, which, as you will recall, was running low. I’ll call on Friday, 6/16/06, to make this appointment. If you’d prefer to see her in August rather than September, please let your office staff know. Otherwise, good health and God willing, we’ll see you in early September!
  3. The reason I didn’t make a report on the occasion of last month’s blood draw is that everything was going nicely and I figured I could catch up this month with you. Everything is going even better, this month. I’m very pleased! She will, by the way, be 89 on August 2 of this year. At this rate, I see no reason why she shouldn’t make it into her 90’s. Thank you and your staff, as always, for your excellent support. Considering my mother’s health profile and my insistence on staying on top of her medical care, I could not wish for a better PCP than you, Dr. Coury, as my mother continues her journey through her Ancient years.
    Just a minor comment. It seems I forgot that this new glucose meter only stores 100 readings. It had dropped all readings from 3/28/06 - 4/16/06 when I downloaded them this morning. Oh well. I've got all that stuff over at The Dailies, but I didn't include an addendum of the dropped readings to the auto-report issued by the glucometer software; this would have involved a couple more hours over the time it took to compile the BP readings. There were no unusual blips and the two months covered gave an excellent review of her BG.
    Guess I'd better keep on my toes with the new meter!

    I'll be awakening Mom around 1300, the 12 hour mark, if she hasn't already risen. I think, right now, I'll see if I can't quickly update her Medication & Supplement review.

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