Thursday, June 29, 2006


Brain Age has arrived.

    I'm not even going to open the shipping box until she awakens, has bathed and we're at a point in her morning routine where she can either handle or supervise the opening of the box. I've decided that we should both figure it out cold, in front of her, with her doing as many of the manipulations as possible. I have no idea what to expect.
    I'm not sure when she'll be up. Her light didn't go out until 0200 this morning. And, as I recall, hold on, let me check...well, I didn't mention it, but she had no nap yesterday; from 1300 - 0200 the following morning.
    I, however, have been napping a lot lately. Yesterday I got in three. I'm a little abashed by this, but I've been feeling like I've had something going on with my throat glands for a couple of days. When I decide I need to take a nap, that's it. In a couple of cases I even make myself a cup of coffee, while freshening Mom's; and napped, anyway. Since most of these naps are taking place either when Mom is up or close to when she's due to arouse, I sleep out in the living room, in full view, so to speak. Usually, this means that the slightest shuffle will awaken me. Not so, though, over the past three or so days. When I'm asleep, even on the couch, I'm out. I usually sleep deeply for about an hour, awaken, try to figure out what day and time of day it is, and Mom is usually up, checking on me with glances cast behind her rocker, saying things like, "So, you finally decided to wake up!"
    She's been very good about the odd meals, lately. I've been choosing light things, primarily what I like, requiring very little preparation. She's been up for it, pronouncing each medley, "Delicious! Just what I wanted." Considering that we're inextricably bound, recently, in summer weather this is nice. I'm good at summer meals. Although the recent afternoon rains have inspired me to consider making a few of my fruitcakes. Or, at least, another spice cake loaded with dried fruit and soaked with rum for a couple of days. I may do that today. Looks like we'll be getting rain, most of the afternoon, here, shortly.
    She's also been good about me sleeping, although I notice she's not taking any more or longer naps than usual. Late yesterday afternoon I conked out while she was watching Murder, She Wrote. I awoke, surprised, at 1901. Mom was still thoroughly engrossed in The Biography Channel (I must admit, they have sedately lurid programming; one of the higher rungs of tabloid journalism). It looked as though she'd gone to the bathroom on her own, as well...her paper underwear was hanging a little low. She'd finished her coffee. So, the first thing I did upon awakening was refill her cup and make me one.
    So, we'll wait on the game. I'm not going to make any prejudgments prior to both of us being exposed to it. Although her signature shows some loss of function due to loss of practice, I'm optimistic that she'll have no problem with a stylus.

originally posted by Deb Peterson: Thu Jun 29, 07:02:00 PM 2006

Gail--YAY, You're back! I like the napping business--if you need to sleep, do it. I wonder if your Mom secretly enjoys it when you sleep--maybe in some way she feels like the clock has been turned back, and you're home sick from school with her watching over you? My mother, with all the best intentions, "pops" in every ten minutes or so when I'm home sick with a migraine, wanting to fix me something.

And if you have any special summer recipes, I'm all ears (I'll have to check Playing with Food). We've been eating kind of oddly, too, these days, only I have a very limited imagination when it comes to food.

Seriously--take it easy if you need to. There's nothing like a good deep nap during the day. You deserve some "down" time.
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