Tuesday, May 9, 2006


Yes, I've been watching...

...the very short, pithy stories on adult children taking care of their elderly relatives on CBS News this week. I think the last installment is this evening. The most haunting and disturbing installment so far has been one entitled The Sandwich Generation, which profiles a woman who runs her own business, parents a two year old and cares for her 86 year old mother and her 88 year old uncle. Interestingly, "She says she was spending so much time caring for everyone but her husband that he moved out." Shades of something I wrote in the Caregiver's Day essay.
    It would do everyone, and I do mean everyone, good to read the verbatim text of the article (linked above in the first paragraph) or watch the video provided at CBS's website.
    I only hope this woman is one of those Monster Caregivers of whom I previously wrote with reckless disdain. The gods know, she needs to be a Monster Caregiver, not just to handle her load but because, folks, when she ashes out, we all fall down.

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