Thursday, March 2, 2006


I remain sick, and tired...

...although I'm trying not to act sick and tired today. I cut back on the ibuprofen yesterday, just because I don't like the way it makes me feel when I'm fighting a fever and the fever seemed to be less vicious. I awoke twice during the night shivering, though, finally gave up and took some. Mom is doing fine. She had a lots-of-rest/little food day, yesterday, mainly because I was feeling so bad and had absolutely no energy. She was fine with that.
    I'm beginning to wonder if I'm suffering "cat scratch fever", as I've got a load of small scratches all over my arms and legs from our new kit-kat, Mr. Man, and continue to get them no matter what I do. Since I'm the main cat-caretaker, I'm also the object of most of his kitten love. He enjoys Mom, but she's, the less energetic of the two of us, despite my very low energy level, so he only pays attention to her when he's played himself out. She's only received two minor scratches and I've treated both with antiseptic. If I treated all my scratches with antiseptic I'd be spraying myself all over constantly.
    Mr. Man is settling down, some, now that our home is no longer "new" to him and The Little Girl has accepted his presence, even though she's not entirely affectionate toward him. Luckily, he sleeps through the night, even though I haven't been, lately.

originally posted by Anonymous: Tue Mar 07, 02:13:00 AM 2006

Hi Gail! Are you feeling better? kidneygurl
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