Saturday, February 11, 2006


You know what it is?

    I feel as though I'm on top of my game.

originally posted by gailraehudson: Mon Feb 13, 11:28:00 AM 2006

I'm not sure how much more support I can offer than what already exists in my journal. As you may have guessed, I'm a seat-of-the-pants caregiver, not given to resourcing. As well, my time is limited and if the support you need already exists in my journal I'll probably direct you to search specific areas or keywords. But, please, feel free to email me with your concerns at the address posted toward the bottom of the links section and we'll see what I can do.
originally posted by optimus_prime: Mon Feb 13, 10:42:00 AM 2006

May I discuss caregiving procedures with you in more detail? I am caregiving my mother & I need support. Thanks
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