Thursday, February 2, 2006


If you've been over at...

...The Dailies you know that we were both up until the wee hours of the morning: Mom until 0245, me until 0330. I'm not sure why we were so full of energy. We read, talked, Mom watched some TV but discovered that there "isn't much on" after midnight, translated: There isn't much on that she's interested in watching and a lot of channels devote those hours to half hour long commercials.
    I don't think we're going to make it to the lab today. If she sleeps until 1445, that's fine with me. Even if she awakens within the next 45 minutes, by the time she's bathed, dressed and breakfasted we wouldn't be able to make the lab. So, tomorrow's our target. I'll probably keep her up right until "bedtime" today, since I want to make sure we're up a little earlier tomorrow; yes, for the lab.
    Nothing spectacular has mention-worthy dreams. I expect we'll probably do her hair and nails after breakfast so she'll be completely public-ready tomorrow. Tomorrow's got to be a no excuses day. That's all there is to it.
    Oh, taxes. Yeah, we did some of that, too, yesterday. I expect I'll have them ready to Fed-ex by Monday. It's going slow with Mom "participating", but I'd rather honor her interest than shunt her aside on business matters such as this. Last night she decided she wanted to wade through some of our previous years' reportings. I thought I could get away with continuing what I was doing (the med expenses spreadsheet) but she became unusually interested in a variety of items, especially those which are no longer applicable, so I spent a good deal of time "refreshing her memory". It's funny, after about 15 minutes of this she said, "I'm sure I used to know all this. I wonder what happened to all that information I used to have in my head."
    I actually explained to her why her memories are out of reach...the ministroking, etc. But, another 10 minutes or so later she was again expressing surprise at not understanding her tax profiles.
    In case you're wondering, she hasn't moved much, lately; maybe about a week and a half. It's frustrating, but her will is strong and she's absolutely refusing to even go out on the driveway for "a little spin". She has, however, decided to refuse my help in getting up and down out of her rocker and, surprisingly, she's noticeably more agile than she was about a month ago.
    Maybe I can finish up a couple of essays today. Maybe not. We'll see.

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