Monday, January 23, 2006


Very quick dinner and BM reminders for last night.

    I'm finally "in the mood" to get my ass over There and do some serious fill in, but my time is limited at the moment, so here are a few for-myself reminders:    I've got another hour before we reach the 12 hour sleep mark, although I've heard Mom's reconnaisance cough a couple of times so she may struggle out of bed a little earlier. I'm keeping my ears tuned. I'm not sure what we'll do today, although I've been trying to find a good time to interview her about teaching. I'm hoping she'll be at optimum interview status today. I've started a couple of times in the last few days but she's been in "yes/no/oh, Gail, I don't know" status so I've deleted all those efforts. And, of course, stats.
    Sidebar: You'd think, wouldn't you, that writing every little detail down here would satisfy my need to vent, but no. I realized, this morning, talking to MCS, that every time I'm on the phone with her or another one of my sisters I manage to turn the conversation to Taking Care of Mom and run my mouth off to what I am sure is their distraction. I'm sure, too, I'm boring as hell when I do this because quite a bit of it is repetitive. I'm kind of like a one-horse town in that respect, right now. I've been thinking about it and I'm not sorry that my focus is as acutely concentrated as it is. It works for me. But, it doesn't work really well for the few social relationships I retain (I might add, it has been my decision to curtail social relationships; that also works for me). I'm not sure if I'll be successful at modifying this behavior but I'm going to give it a try. If, however, being more cosmopolitan in my conversational acuity doesn't work for me I'll just shrug my shoulders and agree, "Yeah, I'm a Caregiving Asshole. Deal with it."

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